Team Leader: Dr. David Shaw, M.D.
Team Type: Children’s Orthopedics, Prosthetics, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy
Campaign Summary: 127 children were triaged, 50 operating procedures were performed, 50 children received therapy, and 20 children received bracing. Seven people received new prostheses.
In the greater Cuzco area there are over 20,000 registered amputees. It was identified that many people could not afford nor access prosthetics. Our Team members transformed four unused rooms into a prosthetic workshop to serve these amputees.
Americares — Stamford, Connecticut
Cascade DAFO — Ferndale, Washington
Creekside Rotary — Salem, Oregon
Kausay Wasi Clinic — Coya, Peru
Rotary International — Chicago, Illinois
One Child at a Time — Salem, Oregon
Team Members:
Mary Boatwright, Recovery Nurse
Irene “Missy” Farris, Administrative Assistant
Guy Farris, Prosthetist and Orthotist
Jennifer Frydl, Occupational Therapist
Dr. William Gallagher, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Kim Geelan, M.D., Anesthesiologist
Janine Kotek, Operating Room Nurse
Suzanne Leitch-Sharp, Operating Room Nurse
Eric Miller, Administration
Mat Parlier, Electrical Engineer
Tabor Scrabeck, Operating Room Nurse
Bob Sharp, Carpenter
Dr. E. David Shaw, M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon
Julie Speck, Physical Therapist
The prosthetic team of Guy and Missy Farris arrived prior to the rest of the team. They began work on the first above-elbow prosthesis within a couple of hours of arriving in Coya. Once the rest of the team arrived, the construction team of Mat Parlier and Bob Sharp got right to work on the prosthesis workshop. Fortunately most of the space in the four rooms had been cleaned out. It was now up to them to secure the necessary materials, wire the place with electricity, and build the necessary furniture. They were helped greatly by local resident Edy Gonzalez.
In all, seven people have new arms and hands due to their work. One young man can write again after having been fitted with a hand brace that incorporated a mechanical thumb to replace the one he lost in a sugar cane harvesting accident. A four year old boy has a new leg and little girl has a new foot.
Two therapists were hired by the Clinic to begin operating the workshop. The last half-day of the campaign was spent fitting a below-elbow prosthesis. We plan to send an orthotist and prosthetist back to the Clinic this summer to follow up and continue to provide services.
The therapy team of Jennifer Frydl, OTR, and Julie Speck, PT, treated post-surgical patients, children and families. The amputees and their families benefited from training in exercises and adaptive equipment.
Daniel, a 9 year old boy, walked for the first time in his life after surgery on his legs. He was using braces from the new shop and a walker made from PVC pipe.
Kevin, a talkative 7 year-old, also had the opportunity to walk for the first time. He was fit for leg braces after having surgery. He and his dad were later trained in strengthening exercises and he was given a PVC walker.
A 13 year-old girl had been hit by a car and was paralyzed on her right side. She had no use of her right hand until she was fit with a hand splint by Certified Hand Therapist Jennifer Frydl. After two days of wearing the splint she was able to use both hands to peel stickers off a sheet of paper and make pretty pictures with her friend in the next bed in the recovery room.
Involving local health care workers, social workers and parents, our therapy team developed therapeutic exercise programs. Each of these community members will use specific exercises to encourage children in their care to improve their mobility over the next several months. Children’s progress will be monitored by Clinic staff.
Our surgery team had a full schedule. For example, children needing adductor tenotomies, tibial osteotomies and heel cord releases received surgery and a chance for improved mobility and comfort. Instead of walking on crooked legs that may become increasingly painful with age, these lucky kids now have straighter, stronger legs. Three pelvic osteotomies for congenital hip dislocations were also completed.
Kenjimmi had a left hand that was bent by spastic muscles on one side of his arm. The surgery he received moved a strong muscle and tendon to the weak side of his arm to allow movement in the other direction. With strengthening hand exercises and a special arm splint, he should be able to use his hand in a functional manner.
In the future, we need equipment and supplies to complete the artificial limb workshop and the new physical therapy room next door. There are still more children who need surgery, bracing and therapy. Donations can be marked for this campaign.